Celebrating Faith
Being a Christian is a way of life that involves many things, including the bits that we do in church when we meet together to pray, to hear the word of God, to worship and to celebrate our faith.
We remember these words of Pope Francis:
“Having faith does not mean having no difficulties, but having the strength to face them, knowing we are not alone”.
We meet in our churches for Mass, every weekend and most weekdays.
From time to time, we have other services within our parishes or together with other faith communities in Oxton and Noctorum.
We would be very happy to welcome you to any of our services.
For families with children
On Sundays, during the the 11.30am Mass at Holy Name, there is the opportunity for the children to meet and talk about the Word of God in an active, creative and informal environment.
This group is now active post-pandemic.
For people who are housebound or sick
If you live within our parish boundaries, we can arrange for you to receive communion.
Please contact Father John who will be glad to do this for you.